The Dashboard Spy

June 9, 2008

Isreali Police Performance Management Dashboards

Filed under: Dashboard Screenshots — Tags: , — dashboardspy @ 1:41 pm

Dashboards, whether business intelligence dashboards, or software application dashboards, are best understood when experienced directly. It can be quite difficult to explain in words how certain dashboards work. That’s the challenge when writing and discussing enterprise dashboard software. Often, however, it’s not always possible for you to access the dashboards we study. That’s why The Dashboard Spy has become so popular. We’ll include detailed screenshots of the digital dashboards (as we do on Dashboards by Example), or sometimes, even video coverage of the business dashboard (see this Dashboard Spy Video).

A pet peeve of mine is when I come across literature from business intelligence vendors that discuss business dashboard technology and dashboards at length without including screenshots. I come across this quite a bit and it just irks me.

A couple of years ago, a Dashboard Spy reader pointed me to this Microsoft article about an Isreali Police Department dashboard case study and asked if I would please track down some screenshots of the dashboard.

Well, it took almost two years, but here are some screenshots of the performance dashboard used by the Isreali police to track over 100 KPIs for their 27,000 officers. The technology behind the performance dashboard is Microsoft Office Business Scorecard Manager 2005.

Click on the examples to enlarge the screenshots. These digital dashboards are in Hebrew, so I can’t tell you exactly which metrics are shown on these screens.

Isreali police dashboard

Microsoft Business Manager Scorecard Dashboard for Isreali Police Performance Management

Tags: Digital Dashboard Example, Isreali Police Dashboards

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